
Proof of Type Soundness Using Logical Relation

This blog compares proving type soundness using traditional progress/preservation methods and logical relations1. Credits go to the original author of these ideas.

1 The Language

1.1 Basic

1.2 Operational Semantics

The operational semantics here are simplified by evaluation context.

If there is no evaluation context, there will be rules like:

Instead, we have rules to fill the “hole” with evaluation context:

1.3 Typing Rules

For evaluation contexts, there are additional typing rules:

1.4 Logical Relations


2 Type Safety

2.1 Definition

A well-typed, closed term $e$ never gets stuck, aka safe, which can be formalize as:

2.2 Proof

Progress + Preservation Semantical Type Soundness
Helper Lemmas
  • Canonical Forms
  • Inversion Lemma
  • Evaluation Context Lemma 1: if $E:A\leadsto B$ and $\cdot\vdash e:B$, then $\cdot\vdash E(e):B$
  • Evaluation Context Lemma 2: if $\cdot\vdash E(e):B$, then there exists $A$ such that $\cdot\vdash e:A$ and $E:A\leadsto B$
  • Canonical Forms
Main Lemmas Progress Lemma: If $\cdot\vdash e:A$ then either $e\,val$ or $\exists e'.e\mapsto e'$. Prove by induction on the given derivation $\mathcal{D}$ of $\cdot\vdash e:A$. We analyze cases by the last typing rule that is applied to $\mathcal{D}$
  • Rule Var. The bottom inference cannot be this rule since there is no $\Gamma$ contains $x$ that is equal to $\cdot$
  • Rule $\text{bool I}_1$. $e=true$, then $e\,val$ as $true\in V$
  • Rule $\text{bool I}_2$. $e=false$, then $e\,val$ as $false\in V$
  • Rule bool E. By i.h. on $e_1$, we have either $e_1\,val$ or $\exists e_1'.e_1\mapsto e_1'$
    • $e_1\,val$. By cononical forms, $e_1$ is either true or false. Then by rule $\text{S-IF}_1$ or $\text{S-IF}_2$, $e$ can take a step
    • $\exists e_1'.e_1\mapsto e_1'$. Then by rule S-STEP, $e$ can take a step
  • Rule $\rightarrow$I. $e=\lambda x:A.e_1$, as $\lambda x:A.e_1\in C$, so $e\,val$
  • Rule $\rightarrow$E. $e=e_1\,e_2$. By i.h. on $e_1$, we have either $e_1\,val$ or $\exists e_1'.e_1\mapsto e_1'$
    • $e_1\,val$. By cononical forms, $e_1$ is in the form $\lambda x:A.e_3$. Then by rule S-APP, $e$ can take a step
    • $\exists e_1'.e_1\mapsto e_1'$. Then by rule S-STEP, $e$ can take a step
  • Rule ECT-1. $e=[\cdot]\,e'$, then $e\mapsto e'$
  • Rule ECT-2. $e=(E\,e)\,e'$, then $e\mapsto E(e')\,e$
  • Rule ECT-3. $e=(\mathcal{V}\,E)\,e'$, then $e\mapsto \mathcal{V}\,E(e')$
  • Rule ECT-4. $e=(\text{if }E\text{ then }e_1\text{ else }e_2)\,e'$, then $e\mapsto \text{if }E(e')\text{ then }e_1\text{ else }e_2$
Preservation Lemma: If $\Gamma\vdash e:A$ and $e\mapsto e'$, then $\Gamma\vdash e':A$. Prove by induction on the derivation of $e\mapsto e'$.
  • Case $\dfrac{}{\text{if true then }e_1\text{ else }e_2\mapsto\,e_1}\text{S-IF}_1$. N.T.S $\Gamma\vdash e_1:A$. As $\Gamma\vdash\text{if true then }e_1\text{ else }e_2:A$, by inversion, $\Gamma\vdash e_1:A$, $\Gamma\vdash e_2:A$.
  • Case $\dfrac{}{\text{if false then }e_1\text{ else }e_2\mapsto\,e_2}\text{S-IF}_2$. N.T.S $\Gamma\vdash e_2:A$. As $\Gamma\vdash\text{if true then }e_1\text{ else }e_2:A$, by inversion, $\Gamma\vdash e_1:A$, $\Gamma\vdash e_2:A$.
  • Case $\dfrac{}{(\lambda x:\tau.e)\,v\mapsto e[v/x]}\text{S-APP}$. N.T.S $\Gamma\vdash e[v/x]:A$. As $\Gamma\vdash(\lambda x:\tau.e) v:A$, by inversion, $\Gamma\vdash (\lambda x:\tau.e):\tau\rightarrow A$, $\Gamma\vdash v:\tau$. By inversion again, $\Gamma,x:\tau\vdash e:A$. By substitution lemma, $\Gamma\vdash e[v/x]:A$
  • Case $\dfrac{e_1\mapsto e_1'}{E[e_1]\mapsto E[e_1']}\text{S-STEP}$. Suppose $E[e_1]:A$, by evaluation context lemma 2, there exists $B$ s.t. $\cdot\vdash e_1:A$ and $E:B\leadsto A$. By i.h. on the premise, $\cdot\vdash e_1':A$. Bt evaluation context lemma 1, $E[e_1']:A$.
$\text{Preservation}^*$ Lemma. If $\Gamma\vdash e:A$ and $e\rightarrow^*e'$, then $\Gamma\vdash e':A$. Prove by induction on the multi-step reduction sequence. (TBD)
Prove based on the logical relations in two steps:
  • (A) For all terms $e$ if $\cdot\vdash e:\tau$ then $\cdot\vDash e:\tau$
  • (B) For all terms $e$ if $\cdot\vDash e:\tau$ then safe$(e)$
Define the generalized context as $$ \mathcal{G}\lbrack\lbrack\cdot\rbrack\rbrack\triangleq\{\emptyset\} \\ \mathcal{G}\lbrack\lbrack\Gamma,x:\tau\rbrack\rbrack\triangleq\{ \gamma[x\mapsto v]\,|\,\gamma\in\mathcal{G}\lbrack\lbrack\Gamma\rbrack\rbrack\wedge v\in \mathcal{V}\lbrack\lbrack\tau\rbrack\rbrack \} $$ Define the semantic well-typedness as: $$ \Gamma\vDash e:\tau\triangleq\forall\gamma\in\mathcal{G}\lbrack\lbrack\Gamma\rbrack\rbrack.\gamma(e)\in\mathcal{E}\lbrack\lbrack\tau\rbrack\rbrack $$ Lemma B: Prove as follows. As $\Gamma\vDash e:\tau$, we have $e\in\mathcal{E}\{\tau\}$, which means $\forall e'.e\mapsto^*e'\wedge\text{irred}(e')\Rightarrow e'\in\mathcal{V}\lbrack\lbrack\tau\rbrack\rbrack$. To prove safe$(e)$, we fix $e'$:
  • if irred$(e')$, then $e'\in\mathcal{V}\lbrack\lbrack\tau\rbrack\rbrack$, which satisfied safe$(e)$
  • if not irred$(e')$, then $\exists e''.e\rightarrow e'$, which satisfies safe$(e)$
Lemma A Foundamental Proerpty: if $\Gamma\vdash e:\tau$ then $\Gamma\vDash e:\tau$. Prove by induction on the typing judgement $\Gamma\vdash e:\tau$
  • Case $\dfrac{\Gamma(x)=A}{\Gamma\vdash x:A}\text{Var}$. Then we have $\Gamma\vdash x:A$, n.t.s $\Gamma\vDash x:A$. $\Gamma\neq\cdot$ as $x\in\Gamma$.
    • $\Gamma=\Gamma',x:A$. Here $\mathcal{G}\lbrack\lbrack\Gamma\rbrack\rbrack=\{\gamma[x\mapsto v]\,|\,\gamma\in\mathcal{G}\lbrack\lbrack\Gamma'\rbrack\rbrack\wedge v\in\mathcal{E}\lbrack\lbrack A\rbrack\rbrack\}$, then $\forall\gamma\in\mathcal{G}\lbrack\lbrack\Gamma\rbrack\rbrack.\gamma(x)\in\mathcal{E}\lbrack\lbrack A\rbrack\rbrack$
    • $\Gamma=\Gamma',y:B$. By i.h. on $\Gamma'$, $\Gamma'\vDash x:A$, which shows $\forall\gamma\in\mathcal{G}\lbrack\lbrack\Gamma'\rbrack\rbrack.\gamma(x)\in\mathcal{E}\lbrack\lbrack A\rbrack\rbrack$. And we have $\mathcal{G}\lbrack\lbrack\Gamma\rbrack\rbrack=\{\gamma[y\mapsto v]\,|\,\gamma\in\mathcal{G}\lbrack\lbrack\Gamma'\rbrack\rbrack\wedge v\in\mathcal{E}\lbrack\lbrack B\rbrack\rbrack\}$. Then $\forall\gamma\in\mathcal{G}\lbrack\lbrack\Gamma\rbrack\rbrack.\gamma(x)\in\mathcal{E}\lbrack\lbrack A\rbrack\rbrack$
  • Case $\dfrac{\Gamma,x:A\vdash e:B}{\Gamma\vdash \lambda x:A.e:A\rightarrow B}\rightarrow\text{I}$. N.T.S $\Gamma\vDash \lambda x:A.e:A\rightarrow B$, which is $\forall\gamma\in\mathcal{G}[[\Gamma]].\gamma(\lambda x:A.e)\in\mathcal{E}[[A\rightarrow B]]$. We push the sunstitution $\gamma$ under the $\lambda$, it suffies to show that $\forall\gamma\in\mathcal{G}[[\Gamma]].\lambda x:A.\gamma(e)\in\mathcal{E}[[A\rightarrow B]]$ By unfolding the definition of $\mathcal{E}[[A\rightarrow B]]$, we need to show that $\forall\gamma\in\mathcal{G}[[\Gamma]].\forall e'.(\lambda x:A.\gamma(e))\mapsto^*e'\wedge irred(e')\Rightarrow e'\in\mathcal{V}[[A\rightarrow B]]$. We notice that the operational semantic actually takes no step, which means $e'=\lambda x:A.\gamma(e)$. So we need to show that $\forall\gamma\in\mathcal{G}[[\Gamma]].(\lambda x:A.\gamma(e))\in\mathcal{V}[[A\rightarrow B]]$, which is the same as $\forall\gamma\in\mathcal{G}[[\Gamma]].\forall v\in\mathcal{V}[[A]].\gamma(e)[v/x]\in\mathcal{E}[[B]]$. By i.h. on the premise, we have $\Gamma,x:A\vdash e:B$, which shows $\forall\gamma'\in\mathcal{G}[[\Gamma,x:A]].\gamma'(e)\in\mathcal{E}[[B]]$. Instante $\gamma'$ with arbitrary $\gamma'$, we have $\gamma'\in\mathcal{G}[[\Gamma,x:A]].\gamma'(e)\in\mathcal{E}[[B]]$. With arbitrary $\gamma\in\mathcal{G}[[\Gamma]]$ and $v\in\mathcal{V}[[A]]$, we have $\gamma'=\gamma[x\mapsto v]$, which means $\gamma[x\mapsto v]\in\mathcal{G}[[\Gamma]].\gamma[x\mapsto v](e)\in\mathcal{E}[[B]]$, which is exactly what we want.
  • Case $\dfrac{\Gamma\vdash e_1:A\rightarrow B\quad\Gamma\vdash e_2:A}{\Gamma\vdash e_1\,e_2:B}\rightarrow\text{E}$. N.T.S $\Gamma\vDash e_1\,e_2:B$. Unfolding definition, it is $\forall\gamma\in\mathcal{G}[[\Gamma]].\gamma(e_1\,e_2)\in\mathcal{E}[[B]]$. By definition of $\mathcal{E}[[B]]$, it suffices to show that $\forall\gamma\in\mathcal{G}[[\Gamma]].\forall e'.(\gamma(e_1\,e_2))\mapsto^*e'\wedge irred(e')\Rightarrow e'\in\mathcal{V}[[B]]$. Suppose $\gamma\in\mathcal{G}[[\Gamma]]$, for arbitrary $e_1'$ and $e_2'$, by i.h. on premises, we have $(\gamma(e_1))\mapsto^*e_1'\wedge irred(e_1')\Rightarrow e_1'\in\mathcal{V}[[A\rightarrow B]]$ and $(\gamma(e_2))\mapsto^*e_2'\wedge irred(e_2')\Rightarrow e_2'\in\mathcal{V}[[A]]$. By definition of $\mathcal{V}[[A\rightarrow B]]$, we have $\forall v\in\mathcal{V}[[A]].(\gamma(e_1))\mapsto^*e_1'\wedge irred(e_1')\Rightarrow e_1'=\lambda x:A.e_1'' \wedge e_1''[v/x]\in\mathcal{E}[[B]]$. Combine them with instantiating $v$ with $e_2'$, we have $(\gamma(e_2))\mapsto^*e_2'\wedge (\gamma(e_1))\mapsto^*e_1'\wedge irred(e_2')\wedge irred(e_1') $$ \Rightarrow e_1'=\lambda x:A.e_1'' \wedge e_1''[e_2'/x]\in\mathcal{E}[[B]]$, with one more step applying S-APP rule, we have $\gamma(e_1\,e_2)\mapsto^*e_2''[e_2'/x]\wedge e_2''[e_2'/x]\in\mathcal{E}[[B]]$. By definition of $\mathcal{E}[[B]]$, we get want we want.
  • Case $\dfrac{}{\Gamma\vdash true:bool}\text{bool I}_1$. We have $\Gamma\vdash true:bool$, and n.t.s $\Gamma\vDash true:bool$, which is $\forall\gamma\in\mathcal{G}\lbrack\lbrack\Gamma\rbrack\rbrack.\gamma(true)\in\mathcal{E}\lbrack\lbrack bool\rbrack\rbrack$. By definition of $\gamma(true)$, it suffices to show $true\in\mathcal{E}\lbrack\lbrack bool\rbrack\rbrack$. Since true is already irreducible, it sufficies to show $true\in\mathcal{V}\lbrack\lbrack bool\rbrack\rbrack$, which we already have.
  • Case $\dfrac{}{\Gamma\vdash false:bool}\text{bool I}_2$. Similar to last case.
  • Case $\dfrac{\Gamma\vdash e_1:bool\quad\Gamma\vdash e_2:A\quad\Gamma\vdash e_3:A}{\Gamma\vdash\text{if }e_1\text{ then }e_2\text{ else }e_3:A}\text{bool E}$. N.T.S $\Gamma\vDash\text{if }e_1\text{ then }e_2\text{ else }e_3:A$, which is for all $\gamma\in\mathcal{G}[[\Gamma]]$, we have $\text{if }\gamma(e_1)\text{ then }\gamma(e_2)\text{ else }\gamma(e_3)\in\mathcal{E}[[A]]$. By definition, it suffices to show $\forall e'.e\mapsto^*e'\wedge irred(e')\Rightarrow e'\in\mathcal{V}[[A]]$ with $e=\text{if }\gamma(e_1)\text{ then }\gamma(e_2)\text{ else }\gamma(e_3)$. By i.h. on the deriviation of $e_1$, $\gamma(e_1)\in\mathcal{E}[[bool]]$, which can be expanded to $\forall e_1'.\gamma(e_1)\mapsto^*e_1'\wedge irred(e_1')\Rightarrow e_1'\in\mathcal{V}[[bool]]$. By cononical forms, $e_1'$ is either true or false.
    Case 1. If $e_1'$ is true, then $\text{if }\gamma(e_1)\text{ then }\gamma(e_2)\text{ else }\gamma(e_3)\mapsto^* \gamma(e_2)$. By i.h. on derivation of $e_2$, $\gamma(e_2)\in\mathcal{E}[[A]]$, which can be expanded to $\forall e_2'.\gamma(e_2)\mapsto^*e_2'\wedge irred(e_2')\Rightarrow e_2'\in\mathcal{V}[[A]]$. Then by transitivity of the operational semantic, we have $\forall e_2'.\text{if }\gamma(e_1)\text{ then }\gamma(e_2)\text{ else }\gamma(e_3)\mapsto^* e_2'\wedge irred(e_2')$ $\Rightarrow e_2'\in\mathcal{V}[[A]]$, which is exactly what we want.
    Case 2. If $e_1'$ is false. Similar to Case 1.
Proof For any $e'$ that $e\rightarrow^*e'$, there must exist a type $A$ s.t. $\Gamma\vdash e:A$. By $\text{Preservation}^*$ Lemma, $\Gamma\vdash e':A$. Then by Progress Lemma, either $e'\,val$ or $\exists e''.e'\mapsto e''$.
Thus we know for any $e'$ that $e\rightarrow^*e'$, either $e'\,val$ or $\exists e''.e'\mapsto e''$.
It is already proved by the main lemmas.

2.3 Comparision

This is the first time I have gotten to know there are some trivial steps to prove type soundness from preservation and progress lemma.

Comparing the proof, the method of progress and preservation is working on a single reduction step, which is why there are so many intermediate lemmas. For logic relation, it only uses Canonical Forms. The definition of logical relation becomes the core part.

1. Ahmed, A. (2006) ‘Step-indexed syntactic logical relations for recursive and quantified types’, Programming Languages and Systems, pp. 69–83. doi:10.1007/11693024_6.