Main Lemmas
Progress Lemma: If $\cdot\vdash e:A$ then either $e\,val$ or $\exists e'.e\mapsto e'$.
Prove by induction on the given derivation $\mathcal{D}$ of $\cdot\vdash e:A$. We analyze cases by the last typing rule that is applied to $\mathcal{D}$
- Rule Var. The bottom inference cannot be this rule since there is no $\Gamma$ contains $x$ that is equal to $\cdot$
- Rule $\text{bool I}_1$. $e=true$, then $e\,val$ as $true\in V$
- Rule $\text{bool I}_2$. $e=false$, then $e\,val$ as $false\in V$
- Rule bool E. By i.h. on $e_1$, we have either $e_1\,val$ or $\exists e_1'.e_1\mapsto e_1'$
- $e_1\,val$. By cononical forms, $e_1$ is either true or false. Then by rule $\text{S-IF}_1$ or $\text{S-IF}_2$, $e$ can take a step
- $\exists e_1'.e_1\mapsto e_1'$. Then by rule S-STEP, $e$ can take a step
- Rule $\rightarrow$I. $e=\lambda x:A.e_1$, as $\lambda x:A.e_1\in C$, so $e\,val$
- Rule $\rightarrow$E. $e=e_1\,e_2$. By i.h. on $e_1$, we have either $e_1\,val$ or $\exists e_1'.e_1\mapsto e_1'$
- $e_1\,val$. By cononical forms, $e_1$ is in the form $\lambda x:A.e_3$. Then by rule S-APP, $e$ can take a step
- $\exists e_1'.e_1\mapsto e_1'$. Then by rule S-STEP, $e$ can take a step
- Rule ECT-1. $e=[\cdot]\,e'$, then $e\mapsto e'$
- Rule ECT-2. $e=(E\,e)\,e'$, then $e\mapsto E(e')\,e$
- Rule ECT-3. $e=(\mathcal{V}\,E)\,e'$, then $e\mapsto \mathcal{V}\,E(e')$
- Rule ECT-4. $e=(\text{if }E\text{ then }e_1\text{ else }e_2)\,e'$, then $e\mapsto \text{if }E(e')\text{ then }e_1\text{ else }e_2$
Preservation Lemma: If $\Gamma\vdash e:A$ and $e\mapsto e'$, then $\Gamma\vdash e':A$. Prove by induction on the derivation of $e\mapsto e'$.
Case $\dfrac{}{\text{if true then }e_1\text{ else }e_2\mapsto\,e_1}\text{S-IF}_1$. N.T.S $\Gamma\vdash e_1:A$. As $\Gamma\vdash\text{if true then }e_1\text{ else }e_2:A$, by inversion, $\Gamma\vdash e_1:A$, $\Gamma\vdash e_2:A$.
Case $\dfrac{}{\text{if false then }e_1\text{ else }e_2\mapsto\,e_2}\text{S-IF}_2$. N.T.S $\Gamma\vdash e_2:A$. As $\Gamma\vdash\text{if true then }e_1\text{ else }e_2:A$, by inversion, $\Gamma\vdash e_1:A$, $\Gamma\vdash e_2:A$.
Case $\dfrac{}{(\lambda x:\tau.e)\,v\mapsto e[v/x]}\text{S-APP}$. N.T.S $\Gamma\vdash e[v/x]:A$. As $\Gamma\vdash(\lambda x:\tau.e) v:A$, by inversion, $\Gamma\vdash (\lambda x:\tau.e):\tau\rightarrow A$, $\Gamma\vdash v:\tau$. By inversion again, $\Gamma,x:\tau\vdash e:A$. By substitution lemma, $\Gamma\vdash e[v/x]:A$
Case $\dfrac{e_1\mapsto e_1'}{E[e_1]\mapsto E[e_1']}\text{S-STEP}$. Suppose $E[e_1]:A$, by evaluation context lemma 2, there exists $B$ s.t. $\cdot\vdash e_1:A$ and $E:B\leadsto A$.
By i.h. on the premise, $\cdot\vdash e_1':A$.
Bt evaluation context lemma 1, $E[e_1']:A$.
$\text{Preservation}^*$ Lemma. If $\Gamma\vdash e:A$ and $e\rightarrow^*e'$, then $\Gamma\vdash e':A$. Prove by induction on the multi-step reduction sequence. (TBD)
Prove based on the logical relations in two steps:
(A) For all terms $e$ if $\cdot\vdash e:\tau$ then $\cdot\vDash e:\tau$
(B) For all terms $e$ if $\cdot\vDash e:\tau$ then safe$(e)$
Define the generalized context as
\mathcal{G}\lbrack\lbrack\cdot\rbrack\rbrack\triangleq\{\emptyset\} \\
\gamma[x\mapsto v]\,|\,\gamma\in\mathcal{G}\lbrack\lbrack\Gamma\rbrack\rbrack\wedge v\in
Define the semantic well-typedness as:
\Gamma\vDash e:\tau\triangleq\forall\gamma\in\mathcal{G}\lbrack\lbrack\Gamma\rbrack\rbrack.\gamma(e)\in\mathcal{E}\lbrack\lbrack\tau\rbrack\rbrack
Lemma B: Prove as follows. As $\Gamma\vDash e:\tau$, we have $e\in\mathcal{E}\{\tau\}$, which means $\forall e'.e\mapsto^*e'\wedge\text{irred}(e')\Rightarrow e'\in\mathcal{V}\lbrack\lbrack\tau\rbrack\rbrack$. To prove safe$(e)$, we fix $e'$:
if irred$(e')$, then $e'\in\mathcal{V}\lbrack\lbrack\tau\rbrack\rbrack$, which satisfied safe$(e)$
if not irred$(e')$, then $\exists e''.e\rightarrow e'$, which satisfies safe$(e)$
Lemma A Foundamental Proerpty: if $\Gamma\vdash e:\tau$ then $\Gamma\vDash e:\tau$. Prove by induction on the typing judgement $\Gamma\vdash e:\tau$
Case $\dfrac{\Gamma(x)=A}{\Gamma\vdash x:A}\text{Var}$. Then we have $\Gamma\vdash x:A$, n.t.s $\Gamma\vDash x:A$. $\Gamma\neq\cdot$ as $x\in\Gamma$.
$\Gamma=\Gamma',x:A$. Here $\mathcal{G}\lbrack\lbrack\Gamma\rbrack\rbrack=\{\gamma[x\mapsto v]\,|\,\gamma\in\mathcal{G}\lbrack\lbrack\Gamma'\rbrack\rbrack\wedge v\in\mathcal{E}\lbrack\lbrack A\rbrack\rbrack\}$, then $\forall\gamma\in\mathcal{G}\lbrack\lbrack\Gamma\rbrack\rbrack.\gamma(x)\in\mathcal{E}\lbrack\lbrack A\rbrack\rbrack$
$\Gamma=\Gamma',y:B$. By i.h. on $\Gamma'$, $\Gamma'\vDash x:A$, which shows $\forall\gamma\in\mathcal{G}\lbrack\lbrack\Gamma'\rbrack\rbrack.\gamma(x)\in\mathcal{E}\lbrack\lbrack A\rbrack\rbrack$. And we have $\mathcal{G}\lbrack\lbrack\Gamma\rbrack\rbrack=\{\gamma[y\mapsto v]\,|\,\gamma\in\mathcal{G}\lbrack\lbrack\Gamma'\rbrack\rbrack\wedge v\in\mathcal{E}\lbrack\lbrack B\rbrack\rbrack\}$. Then $\forall\gamma\in\mathcal{G}\lbrack\lbrack\Gamma\rbrack\rbrack.\gamma(x)\in\mathcal{E}\lbrack\lbrack A\rbrack\rbrack$
Case $\dfrac{\Gamma,x:A\vdash e:B}{\Gamma\vdash \lambda x:A.e:A\rightarrow B}\rightarrow\text{I}$. N.T.S $\Gamma\vDash \lambda x:A.e:A\rightarrow B$, which is $\forall\gamma\in\mathcal{G}[[\Gamma]].\gamma(\lambda x:A.e)\in\mathcal{E}[[A\rightarrow B]]$. We push the sunstitution $\gamma$ under the $\lambda$, it suffies to show that $\forall\gamma\in\mathcal{G}[[\Gamma]].\lambda x:A.\gamma(e)\in\mathcal{E}[[A\rightarrow B]]$
By unfolding the definition of $\mathcal{E}[[A\rightarrow B]]$, we need to show that $\forall\gamma\in\mathcal{G}[[\Gamma]].\forall e'.(\lambda x:A.\gamma(e))\mapsto^*e'\wedge irred(e')\Rightarrow e'\in\mathcal{V}[[A\rightarrow B]]$. We notice that the operational semantic actually takes no step, which means $e'=\lambda x:A.\gamma(e)$. So we need to show that $\forall\gamma\in\mathcal{G}[[\Gamma]].(\lambda x:A.\gamma(e))\in\mathcal{V}[[A\rightarrow B]]$, which is the same as $\forall\gamma\in\mathcal{G}[[\Gamma]].\forall v\in\mathcal{V}[[A]].\gamma(e)[v/x]\in\mathcal{E}[[B]]$.
By i.h. on the premise, we have $\Gamma,x:A\vdash e:B$, which shows $\forall\gamma'\in\mathcal{G}[[\Gamma,x:A]].\gamma'(e)\in\mathcal{E}[[B]]$. Instante $\gamma'$ with arbitrary $\gamma'$, we have $\gamma'\in\mathcal{G}[[\Gamma,x:A]].\gamma'(e)\in\mathcal{E}[[B]]$. With arbitrary $\gamma\in\mathcal{G}[[\Gamma]]$ and $v\in\mathcal{V}[[A]]$, we have $\gamma'=\gamma[x\mapsto v]$, which means $\gamma[x\mapsto v]\in\mathcal{G}[[\Gamma]].\gamma[x\mapsto v](e)\in\mathcal{E}[[B]]$, which is exactly what we want.
Case $\dfrac{\Gamma\vdash e_1:A\rightarrow B\quad\Gamma\vdash e_2:A}{\Gamma\vdash e_1\,e_2:B}\rightarrow\text{E}$. N.T.S $\Gamma\vDash e_1\,e_2:B$. Unfolding definition, it is $\forall\gamma\in\mathcal{G}[[\Gamma]].\gamma(e_1\,e_2)\in\mathcal{E}[[B]]$. By definition of $\mathcal{E}[[B]]$, it suffices to show that $\forall\gamma\in\mathcal{G}[[\Gamma]].\forall e'.(\gamma(e_1\,e_2))\mapsto^*e'\wedge irred(e')\Rightarrow e'\in\mathcal{V}[[B]]$.
Suppose $\gamma\in\mathcal{G}[[\Gamma]]$, for arbitrary $e_1'$ and $e_2'$, by i.h. on premises, we have $(\gamma(e_1))\mapsto^*e_1'\wedge irred(e_1')\Rightarrow e_1'\in\mathcal{V}[[A\rightarrow B]]$ and $(\gamma(e_2))\mapsto^*e_2'\wedge irred(e_2')\Rightarrow e_2'\in\mathcal{V}[[A]]$. By definition of $\mathcal{V}[[A\rightarrow B]]$, we have $\forall v\in\mathcal{V}[[A]].(\gamma(e_1))\mapsto^*e_1'\wedge irred(e_1')\Rightarrow e_1'=\lambda x:A.e_1'' \wedge e_1''[v/x]\in\mathcal{E}[[B]]$. Combine them with instantiating $v$ with $e_2'$, we have $(\gamma(e_2))\mapsto^*e_2'\wedge (\gamma(e_1))\mapsto^*e_1'\wedge irred(e_2')\wedge irred(e_1') $$ \Rightarrow e_1'=\lambda x:A.e_1'' \wedge e_1''[e_2'/x]\in\mathcal{E}[[B]]$, with one more step applying S-APP rule, we have $\gamma(e_1\,e_2)\mapsto^*e_2''[e_2'/x]\wedge e_2''[e_2'/x]\in\mathcal{E}[[B]]$. By definition of $\mathcal{E}[[B]]$, we get want we want.
Case $\dfrac{}{\Gamma\vdash true:bool}\text{bool I}_1$. We have $\Gamma\vdash true:bool$, and n.t.s $\Gamma\vDash true:bool$, which is $\forall\gamma\in\mathcal{G}\lbrack\lbrack\Gamma\rbrack\rbrack.\gamma(true)\in\mathcal{E}\lbrack\lbrack bool\rbrack\rbrack$. By definition of $\gamma(true)$, it suffices to show $true\in\mathcal{E}\lbrack\lbrack bool\rbrack\rbrack$. Since true is already irreducible, it sufficies to show $true\in\mathcal{V}\lbrack\lbrack bool\rbrack\rbrack$, which we already have.
Case $\dfrac{}{\Gamma\vdash false:bool}\text{bool I}_2$. Similar to last case.
Case $\dfrac{\Gamma\vdash e_1:bool\quad\Gamma\vdash e_2:A\quad\Gamma\vdash e_3:A}{\Gamma\vdash\text{if }e_1\text{ then }e_2\text{ else }e_3:A}\text{bool E}$. N.T.S $\Gamma\vDash\text{if }e_1\text{ then }e_2\text{ else }e_3:A$, which is for all $\gamma\in\mathcal{G}[[\Gamma]]$, we have $\text{if }\gamma(e_1)\text{ then }\gamma(e_2)\text{ else }\gamma(e_3)\in\mathcal{E}[[A]]$. By definition, it suffices to show $\forall e'.e\mapsto^*e'\wedge irred(e')\Rightarrow e'\in\mathcal{V}[[A]]$ with $e=\text{if }\gamma(e_1)\text{ then }\gamma(e_2)\text{ else }\gamma(e_3)$.
By i.h. on the deriviation of $e_1$, $\gamma(e_1)\in\mathcal{E}[[bool]]$, which can be expanded to $\forall e_1'.\gamma(e_1)\mapsto^*e_1'\wedge irred(e_1')\Rightarrow e_1'\in\mathcal{V}[[bool]]$. By cononical forms, $e_1'$ is either true or false.
Case 1. If $e_1'$ is true, then $\text{if }\gamma(e_1)\text{ then }\gamma(e_2)\text{ else }\gamma(e_3)\mapsto^* \gamma(e_2)$. By i.h. on derivation of $e_2$, $\gamma(e_2)\in\mathcal{E}[[A]]$, which can be expanded to $\forall e_2'.\gamma(e_2)\mapsto^*e_2'\wedge irred(e_2')\Rightarrow e_2'\in\mathcal{V}[[A]]$. Then by transitivity of the operational semantic, we have $\forall e_2'.\text{if }\gamma(e_1)\text{ then }\gamma(e_2)\text{ else }\gamma(e_3)\mapsto^* e_2'\wedge irred(e_2')$ $\Rightarrow e_2'\in\mathcal{V}[[A]]$, which is exactly what we want.
Case 2. If $e_1'$ is false. Similar to Case 1.