PlantUML Workflow Hand by Hand
2021-09-27接触 PlantUML 好一阵子了,一直以来也经常向周围的朋友安利。每次都会丢出去一堆链接和教程,于是想着整理整理,这样下次再安利的时候就直接把博客甩出去就好,便有了这篇手摸手教程,讲一讲日常工作中使用 PlantUML 的方法。PlantUML 基础语法相关内容在本文中先按下不表,大家可以自行前往官网或者 REAL WORLD PlantUML 学习。
Spring Web Data Binding and Validation Corner Case
2021-08-02This Stackoverflow Topic
comes up with two questions.
- Q1: how to distinguish exceptions between
- data binding when conversion http request body to object
- customized validation defined as annotation on that object
- Q2: how to display valuable information when data binding fails