
Archive: 2022

An Odessey of Connecting to Amazon Redis Cluster

Nowadays, Redis is an indispensable middleware in building the backend service of an app. As an ambitious team, we bought a Redis cluster under Amazon ElastiCache with the following features:

  • Clustered with several shards, and each shard owns 3 nodes (each shard performs primary-replica)
  • Encryption in transit enabled (or TLS) to assure no man-in-the-middle attack
  • Redis AUTH enabled (of course we do not want a door without a key)

So far so good, it seems that we can concentrate on developing our product now. But wait, as the title says, the way is too long to get there!

An Odyssey of Solving Online Database Problems

Since joining one of the most renowned technology companies in 2021, my journey has been a whirlwind of challenges and triumphs. While it’s an honor to work for such a prestigious organization, I soon discovered that it came with a price. In this article, I want to share with you the up and downs of my adventure.